Technologies for the Planet

Get ready for Decarbonization

We have made our choice for the future.
Solutions for carbon capture, green power, renewable and clean fuels and air pollution control.


Embrace innovative technologies and approaches for IMO 2050 zero emissions. Act now for a sustainable maritime future.


Choose a new energy with Ecospray. Adopt carbon-neutral biofuels through our liquefaction systems, advancing sustainable transport and energy transition.

With you for a Zero Emission 2050

Our company provides all the technological solutions to make your business environmentally sound.
Our solutions contribute to a cleaner future by reducing the impact of fossil fuel, promoting a circular economy and contributing to the fight against climate change.

Technologies & Products

Join the (R)evolution

Our integrated solutions, ranging from carbon capture, green power, renewable and clean fuels and air pollution control, are moving forward with decarbonization and the creation of green energy.

Service & Training

A chain of value

We cover the entire value chain to deliver a competitive advantage to your business: training, upgrading and data analysis.

OneLife is our news and updates section: it contains project overviews, future directions, events, interviews with key stakeholders and other general news.

Il sistema demo per oneLNG ha completato i test in fabbrica ed è ora in viaggio verso il sito di installazione vicino a Watford City, nel Nord Dakota. Questo sistema avanzato, dotato di speciali scambiatori di calore,


Explore our past events and be part of the change.
