Il sistema demo per oneLNG ha completato i test in fabbrica ed è ora in viaggio verso il sito di installazione vicino a Watford City, nel Nord Dakota. Questo sistema avanzato, dotato di speciali scambiatori di calore,
Embrace innovative technologies and approaches for IMO 2050 zero emissions. Act now for a sustainable maritime future.
Choose a new energy with Ecospray. Adopt carbon-neutral biofuels through our liquefaction systems, advancing sustainable transport and energy transition.
Our company provides all the technological solutions to make your business environmentally sound.
Our solutions contribute to a cleaner future by reducing the impact of fossil fuel, promoting a circular economy and contributing to the fight against climate change.
Technologies & Products
Our integrated solutions, ranging from carbon capture, green power, renewable and clean fuels and air pollution control, are moving forward with decarbonization and the creation of green energy.
Service & Training
We cover the entire value chain to deliver a competitive advantage to your business: training, upgrading and data analysis.
OneLife is our news and updates section: it contains project overviews, future directions, events, interviews with key stakeholders and other general news.
Rimini, 5-8 Novembre 2024 Dal 5 all’8 novembre 2024, Ecomondo ha rappresentato il punto di riferimento per il settore green: anche per quest’anno l’evento ha registrato una partecipazione significativa e qualificata di esperti, aziende e