Meeting the EGCS challenges

From Clean Shipping International, Winter Edition 2020
“Ecospray has always been involved in the development of a wide variety of environmental solutions for many different industries, […]
Alberto Di Cecio at Naples Shipping Week

In his speech at NSW2020, Alberto Di Cecio spoke about our corporate and business evolution concerning the commercialvessel sector […]
Beyond compliance, new Marine solutions

From Clean Shipping International, Autumn Edition 2020
Ecospray Technologies is a well-known name in the marine industry, but these days, it is probably best known for its scrubbers. We prefer to call them Advanced Air Quality Systems […]
Together along a journey of environmental transformation

From Clean Shipping International, Spring Edition 2020
“The entire shipping industry is undergoing deep change — an environmental transformation […]

Our DeNOx systems for marine applications use SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology to remove nitrogen oxides from diesel engine exhaust gases. The design is suitable for limited spaces on board, as well as for propulsion […]
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst

The Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) reactors allow for the removal of hydrocarbons (HC, PAH) and carbon monoxide (CO). The DOC can be applied to any vessel and can be customized according to the desired levels […]
Methane Slip Reduction

The Ecospray Methane Slip Reduction system uses catalytic oxidation technology to remove methane slip from dual fuel engines, and can be applied to vessels and superyachts. Since Methane has a much higher global warming potential […]
Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

Our advanced exhaust gas cleaning systems for marine diesel engines (EGCS) are specifically designed for SOx removal in large vessels — such as cruise ships, ferries, and commercial vessels with single or multiple engines. Our […]
Wet Electrostatic Precipitator

The importance of environmental and health related issues has been steadily increasing, as has the demand for pollution reduction – particularly in relation to the upcoming regulations on dust and particulate matters emissions. Our WESP […]
Filter cassettes

The multi-pollutant axial flow filtration cassettes (Wall flow/Flow through) combine the oxidation of CO (thanks to special oxidative catalysts) with the particulate removal and NOx abatement. These cassettes are suitable for any industrial application (for […]