Our DeNOx systems for marine applications use SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology to remove nitrogen oxides from diesel engine exhaust gases. The design is suitable for limited spaces on board, as well as for propulsion engines and gensets from 0.5 MW to 20 MW —both for vertical and horizontal installations. All the SCR systems are equipped with a special low consumption compressed air cleaning system that keeps the catalyst efficient and maintains a low pressure drop. Ecospray can pursue the approval path established by the IMO Tier III rules under Scheme A or Scheme B.
We design and manufacture DeNOx systems — with up to 99% NOx reduction — with several industrial applications ranging from power production plants, coal/biomass boilers/furnaces, and gas turbines, to diesel engines and static generators (diesel/methane/biomass); these applications span several sectors (cement, steel and metals, chemistry) including the waste incineration sector. Our experience makes us a reliable and competent partner: our support consists in providing the best technological solution for each individual industrial site, based on their regulations and specific sustainability requirements.
All our DeNOx systems combine the maximum quality standards with high efficiency and low operating costs: we propose both catalytic systems with SCR technology, SNCR with the direct reagent injection into the combustion chamber and hybrid solutions which combine both technologies.
According to customer needs, we are able to design tailor made solutions to be applied to any type of vessel or plant, with the possibility of full-service contracts which include systems financing and consumables management.
Thanks to the collaboration with a primary partner specialized in catalysts for the automotive market, a new generation of products has been created, now powered by CatEMission.